Monday, September 6, 2010

Best Buds Forever

This weekend our good friends The Scotts came to visit. We were stationed together in both Minot and California but haven't seen them in over 5 years since they got out of the Air Force. They were nice enough to drive down from Memphis to see us. They have two boys Carson who is a week older then Nick and Roland who is almost 5 months old. Carson was Nick's first best friend and it was like they hadn't spent any time apart and were instantly best buds again. Aidan was madly in love with Roland who they call Rollie. He followed him around everywhere trying to tickle him and make him laugh. He was so in love with him that he cried after they left today saying he loves Rollie and wants him to come back. It is really wonderful to have friends that you can just pick up with like old times even after 5 years apart. The guys played golf at RTJ and went fishing and stayed up late drinking just like the old days. Jocelyn and I entertained the kids with Chuck E Cheese and Pump it Up, fishing, smores, and sparklers. My cheeks hurt by the end of the weekend because I spent the whole weekend laughing. It was an amazing long weekend and we can't wait to get together again.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

It is great to keep in touch with "old" friends! Carson has certainly grown up - I remember him!!