Friday, November 26, 2010

Roll Tide Roll!

We are bleeding Crimson today! Go Alabama! Roll Tide Roll! For our Northern friends Alabama plays their rival Alabama school Auburn today in the Iron Bowl. Nick picked sides when we moved here and hasn't flinched yet. He cheers so hard for them no matter if they win or lose but he has been talking trash all week about how the Auburn Tigers are going to lose. For his sake I hope Alabama pulls it off. The elephant is in our neighbors yard and my kids are obsessed with it. They get so excited every Saturday when he puts it up so we went over and took a picture of it today.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey Mary! Sorry about that Bama game....I'm from the South and I cheer for neither team, but we still watched the game. It was a close one and Nick should still be so proud of his least all their players are out there legally right? See you soon!