Saturday, June 30, 2012

Virginia Wildfires

These are a few of the pictures we snapped of the wildfire very near where we were camping. I know all the news has talked about this week are the Colorado wildfires but there are 2 major ones burning here in Virginia too. We can smell the smoke all the way at our home. This is on Skyline Drive which is part of the Appalachian Trail that goes through the Blue Ridge Mountains. We had intended to hike this while we were there but the trail was closed. It is a beautiful area for hiking with waterfalls and just beautiful landscape. Luckily, we received some rain last night which hopefully will help with containment in a very difficult area. Please pray for the people of Colorado Springs too. We were supposed to move their this past summer but at the very last minute got a change in orders to the Pentagon. We have so many friends that live there right now. I have one friend who lost their home and another with parents who are now homeless. Hundreds of my friends have been evacuated and are having to live elsewhere until the fire is contained safely. Having been many times, it is such a beautiful area and it is absolutely heart breaking to see some of our favorite places destroyed by fire.

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