The boys had a blast out trick or treating with their friends last night. Nick was Spiderman and Aidan was a lion. Trick or treating was from 5-8 PM here on base. We went out at 5PM and it just didn't feel right since it was still hot and sunny out. With time change not happening before Halloween this year it was just weird. Aidan quickly learned how to say Trick or Treat and Thanks and didn't want to be left out of the action. I pushed him in the stroller when he got tired. After about an hour Aidan took his lion costume off because he was sweating to death. It was still close to 70 degrees when we started out. Shortly there after Nick decided he was done and we headed back home. Both boys came home with a bucket full of candy. After trick or treating we went to a party at my friend Kathy's house for a little while. The boys ran around the backyard with their glow sticks for hours. All in all, it was a very fun night. We all slept like rocks when we got home.
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