Monday, September 24, 2007

Baptism Meltdown

Baptism is supposed to be a peaceful, joyful event where family and friends come together before the church to commit a new life to the church but yesterday was anything but peaceful. Aidan Patrick was baptised at Our Lady of the Stars Church yesterday after mass. It was all going well. They called us up in the middle of Mass to announce that he was being baptised and other then Nick laying on the floor in the middle of the Priest asking questions, all was going well. Then we moved to the Holy Sacrament room for the actual Baptism and it all went downhill from there. For some reason Nick decided he had enough of all the sitting still and being quiet and decided to throw the temper tantrum of a lifetime. The pictures and video are hilarious looking back at them now but in the moment I was having thoughts about running away. I am pretty sure it is a sin to threaten your child while in a Church but I tried everything to get him to stop. The Priest finally asked if we wanted to stop and take him out. It was mortifying. It is only fitting that he cried through his brothers baptism since he cried through his own. Needless to say we are actually glad that it was this Priests last Sunday. Other then that it went good. Aidan laughed throughout the whole thing and loved the attention. Of course his Godparents 3 kids were perfect angels and didn't say boo throughout the whole ceremony. We had a big BBQ afterwards to celebrate and luckily Nick cheered up after he got some food in his belly. The boys played all afternoon and we all took an afternoon nap. All in all, a very memorable day! Enjoy the pics.

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